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While We Wait | Genesis 46:28-50:26
As preached by Timothy O'Day. While we wait... 1) God protects His people. 2) God provides through His people. 3) God prepares His...

The Lord's Loving Discipline | Genesis 42:1-46:27
As preached by Timothy O'Day. "We don't need to copy Joseph's process; we need to trust God's providence." In tests and trials... 1) The...

Forsaken for Us | Genesis 39:1-41:57
As preached by Timothy O'Day. "Although they may feel forsaken, they are not abandoned." God is with his servant in his... 1) trials and...

A Picture & Invitation to Salvation | Genesis 37:2-38:30
As preached by Timothy O'Day. "God works in unexpected ways because his thoughts are not our thoughts and his ways are not our ways." 1)...

Set Your Eyes on the Mercy of God | Genesis 33:18-37:1
As preached by Timothy O'Day. 1) The Lord is merciful to his people when they are slow. 2) The Lord is merciful to his people when they...

The Glory of Humiliation | Genesis 28:10-33:17
Genesis 28:10-33:17 as preached by Timothy O'Day. Some of you may find this hard to believe, but there was once a time that someone would...

Ordering Affairs by God's Promises | Genesis 23:1-25:18
As preached by Timothy O'Day. 1) Invest your life in God’s covenant promises. 2) Trust God’s providence to deliver his covenant promises....

Is Anything too Wonderful for the Lord? | Genesis 22
As preached by Timothy O'Day. Genesis 22... 1) Provides a picture of the mature faith God is forming in the believer. 2) Provides a...

Fear and Faith | Genesis 20-21
As preached by Timothy O'Day. "In these chapters, you can see that sinful fear would destroy you, but God graciously and patiently...

Problems and Faith | Genesis 18-19
As preached by Timothy O'Day. How does God help us overcome the problems that confront faith? 1) The power of God overcomes doubt of His...

Waiting & Faith | Genesis 16-17
As preached by Timothy O'Day. "God's promise comes through faith, not human effort." 1) The Lord's promises are not achieved by human...

A Faithful God for the People of Faith | Gen. 13:2-15:21
As preached by Timothy O'Day. "God keeps His promises." We receive faith by faith... 1) God's promise to provide a dwelling place with...

A Faithful God for the Weak in Faith | Gen. 11:27-13:1
As preached by Timothy O'Day. In this sermon, we learn that: 1) The Lord is intimately active in bringing about his promise (11:27-32)....

Pride and Punishment | Genesis 10:1-11:26
As preached by Timothy O'Day. In this lesson, we learn that: 1) Humanity has one source and one hope. 2) Sin separates God and others. 3)...

God's Goodness Meets Sin | Genesis 6:9-9:29
As preached by Timothy O'Day. "We need a savior who can actually deal with our sin." What does the history of the flood teach us and...

Hope Outside of the Garden | Gen. 5:1-6:8
As preached by Timothy O'Day. How can you have hope outside of the garden? 1) By faith 2) By grasping God's mercy in the midst of God's...

Life Outside of the Garden | Genesis 4
As preached by Timothy O'Day. "Trust entails hearing and believing God's promises." Life outside of the Garden... 1) Requires trusting...

Breaking With God | Genesis 3
Breaking with God Genesis 3 May 7, 2023 Genesis 2 made me think of sharing my family history with a doctor. Genesis 3 makes me think of...

Being With God | Genesis 2:4-25
Being with God Genesis 2:4-25 April 30, 2023 I learned as a young man that one of the best ways to learn about your family history is to...
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