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Set in Order with Good Works | Titus 3:1-15
As preached by Timothy O'Day. 1) Good works declare the reality of the gospel, so we should insist on them (1-8). 2) Devotion to anything...

Set in Order by the Grace of God | Titus 2:11-15
As preached by the Timothy O'Day. The grace of God... 1) Saves from condemnation (11). 2) Saves a people for his own possession (12,14)....

Set in Order with Sound Doctrine | Titus 2:1-10
As preached by Timothy O'Day. A rightly ordered church... 1) lives in accord with healthy doctrine (1) 2) through teaching and modeling...

Set in Order With Qualified Elders | Titus 1:5-16
As preached by Timothy O'Day. Elders are... 1) Vital to the order of the church. 2) Qualified men, not perfect men. 3) Needed to shepherd...

Set in Order by the Gospel | Titus 1:1-4
As preached by Timothy O'Day. Faith... 1) Leads to godliness (1). 2) Comes by preaching the hope of eternal life (2-3). 3) Unites God's...
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